I am definately feeling the pressure of the upcoming event in San Francisco California! I have a lot to do and only a little time to do it in!

I have a list of items I am working on including drawings for my patent application, arrangements have been made for more prototype manufacture and I should have them by next Wednesday. Everything is happening so fast around me and it is taking it's toll.  I do not know which way is up or what direction I am going!  The documents I need for the conference "TechCrunch50" are not coming together because I just do not know what I want them to look like yet.  I have a plea for help but I can't even finish that one.  Time for me to create a list of items and add a list of bulletts for that list.  I do have a small support group that is supporting me mentally, I just need to get organized and serious!  Tomorrow (Wednesday) I need to have a start on a presentation sheet and a final "plea for help" document so they can be proof read by everyone I can get to look at them. 

Oh yeah, I have included the photo which I took Best of Show at the Polk County Fair in Rickreall Oregon and is now on display in Salem Oregon at the Oregon State Fair!  Hope you like it!  Enjoy!

Posted via email from Carmichael Photo


Perry said...

Sorry I can't help more. MAKE A LIST!!!

gogouci said...

Hey, I'm on my way to the Fair today. I'll have to stop by and see your photo 'in person'. Good luck in SF.