Kalena found her hands, just now two weeks old Grandma Tammy and Kalena Almost nap time Mom through a tube Snuggling makes Kalena sleepy Oops, Forgot something :-)
President elect Obama's Brother-In-Law now coaching for OSU Lots of yelling at the team by coach Robinson Team looses another game, 82 to 79 against Montana. Oregon State Men's team is now 0-4 for the season. Not a good way to start the year off with a new "High Profile" coach.
Billy on the big screen on year ago today in Portland Oregon. He rocked the house!! The lighting and effects were pretty good but no where near Billy Joel's piano playing or singing abilities.
This is what was left of everyone on Saturday night. We had between 200-250 people attend the charity event. to find out more go to www.MadelinesParty.com Paddo, what an amazing person and a pretty good singer, Mustang Sally "his signature song" is one of his best but does great with others. More photos online at pentaxfan.dotPhoto.com
Crew from the show, They were awesome!! You could say I was part of the show at one point. I had to sit closest to the edge of the dance floor and was targeted for participation more than once. Fun... Yes but very different!!